I'm not even sure why I feel the need to write this post. I don't even know how many of you actually read the blog, although the statistics and views suggest a lot of you click through to it. So this is just a little update that the content of the blog may change slightly. When I started writing this blog, I just wanted to create a collection of memories and walks in Wales that I've done and share them with anyone who was interested. Then I expanded it to include a few microadventures, wild camping in the beacons with Tina. Since converting our campervan, I've ventured further afield and ended up blogging some of those walks and adventures as features. It struck me that I love all aspects of the outdoors, so even though the majority of the walks I'll blog will still be based in Wales, I'm also going to include other walks from places we visit, wild camping adventures, van adventures and possibly do a few reviews on some of the outdoor kit I use. I'm not sponsored by anyone and have just discovered what works best for me by trial and error! But if you're interested in getting out and about into the great outdoors, it can be expensive (and confusing) trying to navigate all the options! Likewise if you want to get out exploring, I'm always up for hiking buddies so give me a shout!
To reflect that, I'm changing the name of the blog to Adventures of a Welsh Wanderer. Not a drastic change! I can't recommend getting outside into nature enough. I know it's not for everyone, some people feel nauseous at the thought of trekking through mud and rain or battling the insect population of Wales..and don't get me wrong, there's times like yesterday, where I was basically jogging through a field full of sheep batting off what felt like a million horseflies (I react really badly and am pretty allergic to lots of non-specific things) where I felt like that...but I can't stress enough how healing it is. When I was crippled with work stress and feeling torn up inside, the only thing that made me feel okay was heading to the mountains and spending the day hiking. My legs burned and my feet were sore and I was covered in mud and exhausted but I slept so well and it showed in my face and my skin was better and I just felt an overall peace that I don't get from anything else. I don't think any amount of therapy or expensive interventions can do the same thing. What's stopping you - get out the front door and start exploring!
Hopefully it will still be something worth reading. If you do read through to the bitter end, thanks for following - leave a comment on facebook or at the bottom or instagram and let me know what you think or any suggestions for any walks or places you'd like to see.
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