Fendrod Lake, Swansea (short walk) 1 mile

So it's been a busy and productive week off work for me and I haven't done much walking since that 9.5 miler on Wednesday finished me off! However, since then I have got in some shorter local walks which I'm going to share today. 

First up is a mega easy walk:

Fendrod Lake, Llansamlet

Distance: 1 mile (loop around the lake)
Difficulty: Very easy
Time: 20-30 mins
Details: all flat, tarmac, popular with dogs+++, kids & prams & runners
Facilities: no toilets on site but in the midst of a number of shops/supermarkets/places to eat in the enterprise zone. Picnic tables and outdoor gym equipment for the kids to play on.
Dog info: loads of smells and other dogs so the dogs were happy - great place to train and socialise with lots of distractions about.

Parking: free, car park just off Valley Way in the enterprise zone.

No directions needed...just get out of the car and walk! It's 1 mile around the lake so pretty short but obviously you can do a few laps if you're that way inclined.

