Better Welsh walking resources: why I started this blog

I decided to start this blog to create a resource for good walks in Wales (South, West, North and some local routes too) after finding the internet lacking in good enough information. When I first started walking, I wasn't adventurous enough to go off track and would end up lost more often than knowing where I was. A lot of that was poor directions...and despite my dad's best efforts when I was a small child, I'm still not great at reading a map! So I wanted to design a blog that had clear route instructions for some awesome walks so other people like me could tackle some walks that they might not have tried with more vague instructions...although to be honest, we've also been on some walks and had some bloody awful directions (turn left and not right on more than one occasion which ended up adding a fair few miles to our route)! So if you're a whizz with a compass and map and regularly venture off, this probably isn't the blog for you. But if you're me 4 years ago...this is most definitely the blog for you.

We're lucky enough to have two gorgeous beagles who enjoy walking us walks with I wanted the blog to appeal to dog walkers too, and lots of other info on what is and isn't dog friendly is included.

Hope it grows into something useful!


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